philosophy & filmography · EN

Media Literacy | Media Competence | Media Education

Developing these skills by creating and producing own films

We live in a world where media are omnipresent. Children spend already a lot of time in watching television or using mobile devices in any way.
The Medienwerkstatt AG (literally: after school media group) is an educational initiative and project to help children coping with medial challenge:
To learn as much as they can make informed choices as media consumers and gain maximum benefit from the diversity the media offer.“ (OSLO challenge, 1999)

Media Literacy is about being able to access media to fully exploit their potential and to use them in a critical, active and creative manner and find their voice in a rapidly expanding community of young filmmakers.

Making films is a little section picked out of today's media world but it includes a couple of important key qualifications which can be transferred to other fields:

  • Content Creation
  • Experience of Creativity
  • Media Production Skills (photography, audio, editing, etc.)

Mentor's Statement

Lack stimulates creativity. We don't have a professional studio at our little school. But we have ideas and phantasy and tons of fun creating trickfilms and animations.
Saying with Pierre de Coubertin: "The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle".
My job is to be the artist mentor for the kids fluent in creating fun and engage the basic conditions to explore media arts.
Kerstin Heinlein, mentor of Medienwerkstatt AG

The Medienwerkstatt was honoured by the Ministry of Education of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg for its approach relating educational media and creativity.

"In the Depth"


year of production: 2015/2016

This film was made by students aged 9 to 10 years in an after school program of Elementary School Tennenbronn (Germany).


Lilith Jörg, Leonie Storz, Nele Hilser, Sophie Groß, Elena Schweizer, Jenny Fleig,
Lara Fleig

Based on Darwin's established principle "survival of the fittest".
Grandfather's tongs, the neighbor's saw, an ornamental purse, calipers and keys are the protagonists and lead you into the depth and bizarre underwater world.

Watch the film >> HERE or click on the image


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